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Meet Marcela Ramírez. Marcela is a first time mother to a baby boy and a full-tim architectural designer based in Miami, Florida. In our Meet The Mamas Series, Marcela gives us a glimpse into her labor and delivery experience and shared what she wish she had known about the postpartum recovery process.
Meet Courtnie McClister from Houston, Texas. Courtnie is a stay at home mother and a first time mom to a sweet 8 month old baby boy. In our Meet The Mamas Series, Courtnie describes the precious moment when she first meets her baby and shares the many challenges that she...
Meet Angela Medina Meet Angela Medina. Angela is a Product Designer from Miami, Florida and a first time first time mom to baby boy, Oliver, who is now 3 months old. In our Meet The Mamas Series, Angela shares some of her must-have items that helped her with her postpartum recovery and a several...
Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Elaine is a Senior Revenue Accounting Manager, managing a team of 6 staff members. At home, she's managing an adorable 10 month old son. In our Meet The Mamas Series, Elaine gives us a glimpse into her postpartum journey and shares what she would have done differently.
A fifth generation Californian in the San Francisco Bay Area, Elysse is a product designer and a mother of two -- Violet who is 8 years old and Cora who is 16 months. In our Meet The Mamas Series, Elysse shares her story on how asking for help supported her...
Currently residing in Castro Valley, California, Monika is a a photographer, a podcaster, and first time mother of a 5 year old with a chronic illness. She shares her story on what it's like having a chronic illness during her pregnancy and postpartum period, followed by liver transplant.
A first-time Mom to an outgoing 7 month old beautiful baby girl. Kendra is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who works with children and their families with developmental disabilities. Kendra shares tips and advice from her experience with a prolonged postpartum recovery after her 30 hour of natural labor that ended up as an emergency c-section.
Meet Peggy Chen, a licensed clinical social worker and first time mom with a handsome 12 months baby boy, residing in the East Bay of San Francisco Bay Area. In this series, Peggy shares her transformative journey into motherhood, her precious bond with her son, her experience with postpartum anxiety and...
Meet Jessica Phan, our very own Co-Founder of Ritual Meals and first time mother in San Francisco Bay Area. In our new Meet the Mamas series, she give us a glimpse of her postpartum experiences and post-pregnancy rituals, and shares insightful advice about early motherhood.